Gate Analysis
Podiatry & Chiropody in Paphos & Peyia
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Paphos Podiatrist – Gate Analysis
Gait analysis is performed by a qualified Podiatrist in a clinical facility. It is a specialized method used to assess a person’s gait and gives important information to the clinician about a person’s walking pattern.
Liopetriti Podiatry Centre uses the Podotech Elftman pressure platform.
The Podotech Elftman utilises state of the art pressure mat technology and electronic sensors to provide extensive analysis options.
Gait analysis is conducted in combination with a biomechanical assessment.
If you have Diabetes, a gait analysis and biomechanical assessment is needed to assess the at-risk foot and determine the need to “offload” an area at risk of ulceration or re-ulceration.
Gait analysis is suitable for:
- Athletes.
- People with foot, knee, hip or back pain.
- People with other musculoskeletal abnormalities, i.e. flat feet, limb length discrepancy, injuries/fractures etc.
Please let us know if you require a gait analysis appointment during booking time. If you are a physician/medical professional, please contact us for information regarding referral pathways.