Foot Health Advice
Podiatry & Chiropody in Paphos & Peyia
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15:00am - 18:00pm
09:00am - 13:00pm
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Paphos Podiatrist – Foot Health Advice
General foot health/care advice:
- Avoid walking barefoot, indoors or outdoors.
- Keep your feet clean by washing them daily. Dry thoroughly, especially between your toes.
- Apply a good foot cream on your feet but avoid areas between toes.
- Check your feet daily for any changes. Don’t forget to look between the toes.
- Keep your nails trimmed. Cut them in a straight line and never cut the corners. If you require help with your nails, contact your podiatrist.
- Don’t cut hard skin on your feet using sharp objects such as knives or scissors. You could injure your feet and be in more pain than before.
- Don’t use callous removing plasters or any other caustic that can injure your skin. Contact your podiatrist for information prior to purchasing.