Biomechanical Assessment
Podiatry & Chiropody in Paphos & Peyia
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Paphos Podiatrist – Biomechanical Assessments
Biomechanics is the science of how we move. It evaluates how our muscles, bones and joints work closely together to produce human motion and can detect any abnormalities.
Our left and right sides are rarely symmetrical and that can change the way we produce movement. Certain foot deformities, including flat feet and bunions, can predispose the foot to inuries and increased pressures.
If you have Diabetes, a gait analysis and biomechanical assessment is needed to assess the at-risk foot and determine the need to “offload” an area at risk of ulceration or re-ulceration.
A Biomechanical Assessment is conducted by a qualified Podiatrist in a clinical facility and is often used to determine the cause of pain to your feet, legs, hips or back.
What should I expect from a Biomechanical Assessment?
- The Podiatrist will ask for details regarding your problem and your general medical history.
- The way your joints and muscles move will be tested for abnormalities.
- You may be asked to attend your appointment wearing shorts, so that your knees are visible.
Please let us know if you require a gait analysis appointment during booking time. If you are a physician/medical professional, please contact us for information regarding referral pathways.